Sometimes, dental issues can’t be resolved with restorative treatments, and a tooth extraction becomes necessary to preserve oral health. At Boynton Beach Dental Care, we offer effective tooth extraction solutions for various common problems.
Our Tooth Extraction Procedure:
– Assessment & Evaluation: Our oral surgeons assess the tooth’s condition and surrounding areas using X-rays and diagnostic imaging.
– Anesthesia Administration: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area, ensuring a pain-free experience. Conscious sedation or general anesthesia may be used for complex cases or anxious patients.
– Loosening: Specialized instruments are used to loosen the targeted tooth from its socket.
– Removal: The dentist skillfully removes the tooth with minimal pressure to prevent discomfort.
– Socket Cleaning & Preparation: The area is cleaned to facilitate proper healing, and additional procedures like bone grafting may be performed if needed.
– Hemostasis & Suturing: Steps are taken to control bleeding, and sutures may be used to close the wound.
Tooth Extraction Costs:
The cost of tooth extractions varies based on complexity and additional factors. Here are the average costs for different types of extractions:
Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction:
Risks of Treatment:
Recovery Period:
The healing time varies, but here are the general stages:
Boynton Beach Dental Care Recommendations:
For affordable same-day tooth extractions, visit us at 65 SE, 9th St, Miami, FL 33131, or call (407) 989 9999 to arrange an appointment and consultation. Let our experienced orthodontic specialists solve your dental health issues!