Does food get underneath dental implants?

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Does food get underneath dental implants?

7 signs of gum disease

Gum disease is most common in middle-aged people due to the quality of dental care, other health problems, and neglect of regular visits to the dentist.

The first manifestations of gum disease are usually minor, so many ignore them, which is a big mistake. Many cases, when people lose teeth, could be avoided if they immediately went to the dentist with the problem of bleeding, unpleasant odor, painful sensations while chewing.

Color change

Gums can change their color against the background of circulatory disorders and inflammation. Each of the factors plays a role in the development of disease. Pallor or redness can be a manifestation of various forms of gingivitis, as well as more serious problems such as periodontitis and periodontal disease (progressive periodontal disease).

Discomfort when brushing teeth and chewing

This symptom is difficult to ignore, since the soreness interferes with normal eating and hygiene procedures. Severe discomfort can indicate a serious problem with the periodontal tissues, and not just with the gums.


The appearance of blood during brushing is a sure sign of a gum problem. However, here the cause may be accidental injury to the mucous membrane. In this case, the wound will heal without consequences, unless an infection gets into it. If this is most likely a gum injury, then before healing, you should often rinse your mouth with a pharmacy mouthwash. If there is generalized bleeding in the area of ​​several teeth, then this already speaks of gum disease.

Bad smell

Halitosis is often troubling with a disease such as periodontitis, which is associated with the accumulation of pus and food particles in the periodontal pockets. In this case, an unpleasant odor appears almost immediately after brushing your teeth; it is difficult to eliminate it with deodorant agents.

Decreased or overgrown gums

Atrophy or hypertrophy can be with atrophic and hypertrophic gingivitis. These are severe forms of inflammation that require special dental treatment. In this case, the teeth may appear to be longer (with gum atrophy) or shorter (with hypertrophy).

The appearance of periodontal pockets

This is a sure sign of periodontitis. The degree of the pathological process is determined by the depth of the pockets. Complex and long-term treatment is required. Without it, there is a risk of disease progression until the teeth are lost.


Please feel free to call Brickell Dental Care if you need any additional information at
(407) 989-9999

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